downshifting — с английского на русский
Downshifting — is a social behavior or trend in which individuals live simpler lives to escape from the rat race of obsessive materialism and to reduce the “stress, overtime, and psychological expense that may accompany it.”[1] It emphasizes finding an improved … Wikipedia
Downshifting — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Reducción de marcha es un comportamiento social o tendencia en la que los individuos viven vidas más simples para escapar de la carrera de ratas del materialismo obsesivo y reducir la tensión, stress y los… … Wikipedia Español
downshifting — downshift down‧shift [ˈdaʊnʆɪft] verb [intransitive] JOBS if someone downshifts, they willingly choose to do a less important, difficult, or stressful job, so that they are under less pressure and have more time to enjoy their life downshifting… … Financial and business terms
downshifting — {{#}}{{LM D46106}}{{〓}} {{[}}downshifting{{]}} {{■}}(ing.){{□}} {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} Estilo o modo de comportamiento que consiste en mejorar la calidad de vida dando menos prioridad al trabajo y viviendo de una manera más simple: • Decidió practicar… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
Downshifting — Einfaches Leben (Simple living), auch Freiwillige Einfachheit (Voluntary Simplicity), oder Downshifting genannt, bezeichnet einen Lebensstil, der sich als Alternative zur konsumorientierten Überflussgesellschaft sieht. Seine Anhänger versuchen,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Downshifting — The act of reducing one s standard of living for an improved quality of life. Downshifting assumes a tradeoff between standard of living, such as level of wealth, and quality of life, which relates to well being. People who downshift are looking… … Investment dictionary
Downshifting — … Википедия
downshifting — noun A social trend towards living a simpler, less ambitious life with a better work life balance … Wiktionary
Downshifting — Down|shif|ting [ da̮unʃɪftɪŋ ], das; s, s <Pl. selten> [zu amerik. to downshift = herunterschalten, zurückschalten, zu: shift = Schaltung] (bildungsspr.): das Downshiften … Universal-Lexikon
downshifting — Manually shifting to a lower gear in order to use the engine compression to assist in reducing the vehicle s speed. Also called downgearing … Dictionary of automotive terms
downshifting — с русского на все языки
Downshifting — is a social behavior or trend in which individuals live simpler lives to escape from the rat race of obsessive materialism and to reduce the “stress, overtime, and psychological expense that may accompany it.”[1] It emphasizes finding an improved … Wikipedia
Downshifting — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Reducción de marcha es un comportamiento social o tendencia en la que los individuos viven vidas más simples para escapar de la carrera de ratas del materialismo obsesivo y reducir la tensión, stress y los… … Wikipedia Español
downshifting — downshift down‧shift [ˈdaʊnʆɪft] verb [intransitive] JOBS if someone downshifts, they willingly choose to do a less important, difficult, or stressful job, so that they are under less pressure and have more time to enjoy their life downshifting… … Financial and business terms
downshifting — {{#}}{{LM D46106}}{{〓}} {{[}}downshifting{{]}} {{■}}(ing.){{□}} {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} Estilo o modo de comportamiento que consiste en mejorar la calidad de vida dando menos prioridad al trabajo y viviendo de una manera más simple: • Decidió practicar… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
Downshifting — Einfaches Leben (Simple living), auch Freiwillige Einfachheit (Voluntary Simplicity), oder Downshifting genannt, bezeichnet einen Lebensstil, der sich als Alternative zur konsumorientierten Überflussgesellschaft sieht. Seine Anhänger versuchen,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Downshifting — The act of reducing one s standard of living for an improved quality of life. Downshifting assumes a tradeoff between standard of living, such as level of wealth, and quality of life, which relates to well being. People who downshift are looking… … Investment dictionary
Downshifting — … Википедия
downshifting — noun A social trend towards living a simpler, less ambitious life with a better work life balance … Wiktionary
Downshifting — Down|shif|ting [ da̮unʃɪftɪŋ ], das; s, s <Pl. selten> [zu amerik. to downshift = herunterschalten, zurückschalten, zu: shift = Schaltung] (bildungsspr.): das Downshiften … Universal-Lexikon
Downshifting — Down|shif|ting , das; s, s Plural selten … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
downshifting — Manually shifting to a lower gear in order to use the engine compression to assist in reducing the vehicle s speed. Also called downgearing … Dictionary of automotive terms
дауншифтинг — это… Что такое дауншифтинг?
дауншифтинг — сущ., кол во синонимов: 2 • образ жизни (8) • опрощение (5) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 … Словарь синонимов
Дауншифтинг — (англ. downshifting, переключение автомобиля на более низкую передачу, а также замедление или ослабление какого либо процесса) термин, обозначающий жизненную философию «жизни ради себя», «отказа от чужих целей»[1]. Родственно понятию… … Википедия
дауншифтинг — 1) переход на более низкую должность 2) уход с высокой должности … Словарь иностранных слов под редакцией И. Мостицкого
Дауншифтинг: четыре причины «добровольной простоты» — Термин дауншифтинг происходит от английских слов down и shift, в буквальном переводе означающих перемещение вниз , спуск , обозначающий жизненную философию жизни ради себя , отказа от чужих целей . Внешним признаком дауншифтинга чаще всего… … Энциклопедия ньюсмейкеров
Дауншифтер — Дауншифтинг (англ. downshifting, замедление или ослабление какого то процесса) сленговый термин, обозначающий жизненную философию «жизни ради себя», «отказа от чужих целей»[1] (также применяется синоним Simple living). Причисляющие себя к… … Википедия
Опрощение (идеология) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Опрощение. Антипотребительство Идеи и теории Спектакль · Энафизм · Культура глушения · Корпоративная преступность · Предвзятость СМИ · День без покупок ·… … Википедия
ЭСКАПИЗМ — (от англ. escape бегство, побег; уход от действительности) социальное явление, заключающееся в стремлении индивида или части социальной группы уйти от общепринятых стандартов общественной жизни. В основе эскапизма лежит сомнение в… … Большая актуальная политическая энциклопедия
дауншифтер — [38/7] Термин «дауншифтинг» происходит от английского down shift «движение вниз». Так называют людей, которые сознательно отказываются от солидной должности и высокой зарплаты в пользу… Ну, в общем, чего угодно семьи, хобби, путешествий, просто… … Cловарь современной лексики, жаргона и сленга
Обломовщина — Обломовщина, по имени героя романа Ивана Гончарова «Обломов» нарицательное слово для обозначения личностного застоя, рутины, апатии. В указанном романе слово впервые употребил Штольц, а затем его повторял и сам Обломов, характеризуя… … Википедия
downshifting — Перевод на русский — примеры английский
Возможно, Вы имели в виду: downshiftНа основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Downshifting is an act of moving from a lifestyle of greater consumption towards a lifestyle based on voluntary simplicity.
Дауншифтинг — это отказ от чужих целей и полноценная жизнь ради своих собственных. On an individual level, work
An intrinsic consequence of downshifting is increased time for non-work-related activities, which, combined with the diverse demographics of downshifters, cultivates higher levels of civic engagement and social interaction.
Существенным проявлением дауншифтинга является увеличение свободного времени на занятия, не связанные с работой, которые вкупе с различной демографией последователей, культивируют более высокую степень гражданской вовлеченности и социального взаимодействия.I’m supposed to be downshifting, and she’s supposed to be upshifting.
Я должен был снизить обороты, чтобы она занялась карьерой.I was downshifting and upshifting without the clutch, but I ended up finishing fourth.
Я переключал скорости без сцепления, но в итоге финишировал четвертым.downshifting — с русского на английский
Downshifting — is a social behavior or trend in which individuals live simpler lives to escape from the rat race of obsessive materialism and to reduce the “stress, overtime, and psychological expense that may accompany it.”[1] It emphasizes finding an improved … Wikipedia
Downshifting — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Reducción de marcha es un comportamiento social o tendencia en la que los individuos viven vidas más simples para escapar de la carrera de ratas del materialismo obsesivo y reducir la tensión, stress y los… … Wikipedia Español
downshifting — downshift down‧shift [ˈdaʊnʆɪft] verb [intransitive] JOBS if someone downshifts, they willingly choose to do a less important, difficult, or stressful job, so that they are under less pressure and have more time to enjoy their life downshifting… … Financial and business terms
downshifting — {{#}}{{LM D46106}}{{〓}} {{[}}downshifting{{]}} {{■}}(ing.){{□}} {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} Estilo o modo de comportamiento que consiste en mejorar la calidad de vida dando menos prioridad al trabajo y viviendo de una manera más simple: • Decidió practicar… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
Downshifting — Einfaches Leben (Simple living), auch Freiwillige Einfachheit (Voluntary Simplicity), oder Downshifting genannt, bezeichnet einen Lebensstil, der sich als Alternative zur konsumorientierten Überflussgesellschaft sieht. Seine Anhänger versuchen,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Downshifting — The act of reducing one s standard of living for an improved quality of life. Downshifting assumes a tradeoff between standard of living, such as level of wealth, and quality of life, which relates to well being. People who downshift are looking… … Investment dictionary
Downshifting — … Википедия
downshifting — noun A social trend towards living a simpler, less ambitious life with a better work life balance … Wiktionary
Downshifting — Down|shif|ting [ da̮unʃɪftɪŋ ], das; s, s <Pl. selten> [zu amerik. to downshift = herunterschalten, zurückschalten, zu: shift = Schaltung] (bildungsspr.): das Downshiften … Universal-Lexikon
Downshifting — Down|shif|ting , das; s, s Plural selten … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
downshifting — Manually shifting to a lower gear in order to use the engine compression to assist in reducing the vehicle s speed. Also called downgearing … Dictionary of automotive terms
downshift — с английского на русский
downshift — down‧shift [ˈdaʊnʆɪft] verb [intransitive] JOBS if someone downshifts, they willingly choose to do a less important, difficult, or stressful job, so that they are under less pressure and have more time to enjoy their life downshifting noun… … Financial and business terms
downshift — [doun′shift΄] vi. to shift the transmission of a motor vehicle to a lower gear or arrangement n. an instance of shifting gears in this way … English World dictionary
Downshift — Not to be confused with Downshifting, the social trend. Downshift is the name of three fictional characters in the Transformers universes. Contents 1 Transformers: Generation 1 1.1 Manga 1.2 Dreamwave Productions … Wikipedia
downshift — UK [ˈdaʊnˌʃɪft] / US verb [intransitive] Word forms downshift : present tense I/you/we/they downshift he/she/it downshifts present participle downshifting past tense downshifted past participle downshifted 1) to change to a different job or way… … English dictionary
downshift — intransitive verb Date: 1955 1. to shift an automotive vehicle into a lower gear 2. to move or shift to a lower level (as of speed, activity, or intensity) • downshift noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
downshift — [[t]da͟ʊnʃɪft[/t]] downshifts, downshifting, downshifted VERB If someone downshifts, they leave a job that is well paid but stressful for a less demanding job and a more enjoyable way of life. [BRIT] 1) If you downshift while driving, you change… … English dictionary
downshift — /ˈdaʊnʃɪft/ (say downshift) verb (i) to take an employment position at a lower salary level than one has already reached, usually in order to have more time for other pursuits and to suffer less stress. –downshifter, noun –downshifting, noun … Australian English dictionary
downshift — The act of selecting a lower gear. In Britain it is called downward change. Also see forced downshift … Dictionary of automotive terms
downshift — /down shift /, v.i. 1. to shift an automotive transmission or vehicle into a lower gear. 2. to become less active; slow down: The economy seems to be downshifting. v.t. 3. to shift (an automotive transmission or vehicle) into a lower gear. n. 4.… … Universalium
downshift — verb a) To shift a transmission into a lower gear. b) To function at a lower rate … Wiktionary
downshift — down|shift [ˌdaunˈʃıft US ˈdaunʃıft] v [I] 1.) to put the engine of a vehicle into a lower ↑gear in order to go slower 2.) if someone downshifts, they choose to do a less important or difficult job, so that they do not have to worry about their… … Dictionary of contemporary English
downshifting — перевод — Английский-Русский Словарь
en If a deceleration occurs from a certain speed down to standstill, the friction clutch actuated by the driver has to be connected again after each downshift.

en Therefore, it is permitted to establish and use electronic or mechanical devices, including alternative gear selector positions, to prevent a downshift to a gear which is typically not used at the specified test condition in urban traffic.

en Each of these cultures take time to downshift.

en And Putin’s handpicked successor, Dmitri Medvedev, had been eased into power, while Putin downshifted into the premiership.

en Some vehicles equipped with an automatic transmission (two ormore discrete ratios) may downshift to a gear ratio not normally used in urban driving, as defined by the manufacturer.

en The solid lines demonstrate the gear use for acceleration phases; the dotted lines show the downshift points for deceleration phases

en Max, downshift and put it in reverse.

en The downshift speed from gear # to gear # (v # → # ) should be calculated using the following equation

en Where back-to-back comparison of the replacement system with the original system is chosen, for the application of paragraph and/or paragraph of Annex 3 of Regulation No. 51, it is allowed to have a gear change to higher accelerations and the use of electronic or mechanical devices to prevent this downshift is not mandatory.

en Now everybody who wants goes there. Those who move are called “downshifters”, and sometimes, for simplicity, just “downers”.

en downshift limits speed vector

en Some vehicles equipped with an automatic transmission (two or more discrete ratios) may downshift to a gear ratio not normally used in urban driving, as defined by the manufacturer.

en No downshift to first gear at a transition from a deceleration or a cruise phase to an acceleration phase, if «no use of 1. gear» is indicated.

en Therefore, it is permitted to establish and use electronic or mechanical devices, including alternate gear selector positions, to prevent a downshift to a gear ratio which is typically not used for the specified test condition in urban traffic.

en Downshift speeds (vi→i-1) in km/h during cruise or deceleration phases in gears 3 (3rd gear) to ng shall be calculated using the following formula:

en Now watch, he has to downshift.

en Still, with many of the world’s largest governments facing a lethal combination of unsustainable conventional debt, unprecedented old-age pension obligations, and a downshift in growth, one has to wonder what the fiscal plan is.

en You’ve just been downshifted.

en Therefore, it is permitted to establish and use electronic or mechanical devices to prevent a downshift to a gear ratio which is typically not used at the specified test condition in urban traffic.

en The downshift speeds for deceleration phases can be calculated with equations 6-3 and 6‐4.

en Downshift speeds in km/h during cruise or deceleration phases in gears 3 to n are calculated using the following formula:

en Anyone forecasting 7% is considered a “China bear,” and predicting a downshift to 6.5% makes one a downright fanatic.

en In this case, the highest gear for which the gearbox input speed is located above the downshift limit and below the upshift limit for the actual operation point is selected.

en Therefore, it is permitted to establish and use electronic or mechanical devices, including alternate gear selector positions, to prevent a downshift to a gear ratio which is typically not used for the specified test condition in urban traffic.

en Therefore, it is permitted to establish and use electronic or mechanical devices to prevent a downshift to a gear ratio which is typically not used at the specified test condition in urban traffic.