Что такое дистанционное обучение в институте: что даёт дистанционная форма обучения?

как это происходит и что необходимо сделать

Минпрорсвещения направило во все регионы Российской Федерации методические рекомендации по реализации программ начального общего, основного общего, среднего общего, среднего профессионального образования, а также дополнительных общеобразовательных программ с использованием электронного обучения и дистанционных образовательных технологий.

Общеобразовательным учреждениям на время карантина рекомендовано проводить занятия на школьном портале или другом сервисе с использованием различных электронных образовательных ресурсов.

Существуют порталы, в которых выложены все уроки по школьной программе. Один из наиболее известных — Российская электронная школа. На портале представлены интерактивные уроки от лучших учителей нашей страны по всей школьной программе с 1 по 11 класс. На сайте собраны более 120 задач, видеоуроки, тематические курсы, а также каталог концертов, фильмов и музеев.

Еще один известный сайт — «Московская электронная школа». Портал представляет собой сборник тестов и электронных учебников, а также интерактивные сценарии уроков. Это открытая платформа, доступная всем, и ее высоко оценили многие пользователи. На сайте ученики имеют возможность проверить свои ошибки, общаться с учителями, выполнять домашние задания, изучать все необходимые материалы для подготовки к уроку, прорешать контрольные и тесты. Платформа удобно тем, что ее можно легко открывать с любых устройств.

Учащимся младших классов подойдет сервис «Яндекс.Учебник». На портале собрано более 35 000 заданий по русскому языку и математике различного уровня сложности для школьников первого — пятого классов.

Учителям будет интересен ресурс «ЯКласс», с помощью которого они смогут проверить, успешно ли школьники усвоили материал. Большим плюсом является то, что пользоваться сервисом очень просто.

Сайт Учи.ру ( поможет наиболее безболезненно перевески обучение в дистанционный формат. Ученики найдут на портале интерактивные курсы по всем основным предметам. Учителям будут полезны тематические вебинары по дистанционному обучению. Сервис позволяет работать над ошибками учеников, обеспечить каждому индивидуальный подход, а также показывает прогресс школьников в личном кабинете. Кроме того, в личных кабинетах есть специальный внутренний чат.

Сбербанком была создана Платформа новой школы, которая поможет выстроить дистанционный учебный процесс с максимальной эффективностью.

Всем известное издательство «Просвещение» предоставляет бесплатный доступ к электронным учебно-методическим комплексам, входящим в Федеральный перечень. Важно, что для работы с учебными пособиями не нужен интернет.

Специальная система «Маркетплейс образовательных услуг» открывает бесплатный доступ к учебной литературе, интерактивным образовательным материалам, электронным книгам, а также обучающим курсам и видео. В наполнении платформы участвуют ведущие российские компании. Среди них — «1С», «Яндекс», «Скайенг», ортал «Учи.ру», издательство «Просвещение» и многие другие.

Онлайн школа Фоксфорд, онлайн школа английского языка Skyeng и видеопортал InternetUrok.ru открыли бесплатный доступ к своим платформам. Причем важно отметить, что занятия проводят преподаватели ведущих вузов России, среди которых МГУ, Высшая школа экономики, МФТИ и другие.

Учитывая то, что современные школьники в большинстве своем активно пользуются социальными сетями, учителя вполне могут ис пользовать для проведения дистанционных уроков, например, сеть «ВКонтакте».

Кроме того, ресурс «Мои достижения» открыл расширенный доступ к своим функциям. Ученики с 1 по 11 класс найдут на этой платформе большой выбор диагностик по школьным предметам, а также различным тематикам.

Активные школьники могут воспользоваться сайтом «Олимпиум», на котором собрано более 72 школьных олимпиад.

Нельзя обойти стороной телеканал Мособртв, где в режиме прямой трансляции моно увидеть уроки и школьное расписание.

Старшеклассников может заинтересовать профориентацинный портал «Билет в будущее», где размещены видеоуроки и есть возможность попробовать себя в различных специальностях на базе школьного образования.

Для тех, кто перешел на ступень среднего профессионального образования или готовится к этому, открыт бесплатный доступ на платформе Союза «молодые профессионалы (Ворлдскиллс Россия)», официального оператора международного движения WorldSkills International.

Но как же ученикам отчитываться о проделанной работе во время дистанционного обучения в школе? Основных вариантов два: либо учащиеся выполняют домашнее задание в письменной форме и отправляют фотографии в прикреплённый к электронному журналу чат, либо учителя составляют задания на специальных сайтах — moodle, Решу ОГЭ, Решу ЕГЭ. Последние два сайта не только облегчат задачу ученикам, находящимся на дистанционном обучении в школе, но и помогут им подготовиться к экзаменам. Есть и еще вариант: школьникам вышлют задания, выполнение которых будет проверено контрольной работой по завершении карантина.

правила перевода, формы обучения, отзывы специалистовРуководитель образовательной организации также должен назначить консультанта по использованию инструментов ЭИОС, с указанием контактов на сайте организации, а также того, по каким вопросам нужно обращаться к специалисту. При необходимости рекомендуется разместить видеоинструкции по взаимодействию со студентами в удаленном режиме.

Необходимо определить, какие дисциплины могут быть изучены студентами в рамках онлайн курсов ведущих университетов, список которых вывешен на портале Минобрнауки России. Если по конкретной учебной дисциплине нет подходящего курса, можно использовать лекции в форме вебинаров, либо предоставить обучающимся доступ к лекциям, ранее записанным преподавателями. Для коммуникации преподавателей и студентов могут использоваться любые подходящие технологии, включая чаты в мессенджерах.

Дисциплины, специфика которых не позволяет осуществить полный перевод студентов на дистанционное обучение, должны быть перенесены на конец учебного года. При необходимости учебные планы должны быть изменены с учетом переноса занятий на следующий учебный год. Руководителю вуза важно помнить, что объем будущего учебного года не должен превышать 80 зачетных единиц.

Деканаты должны не реже двух раз в неделю информировать студентов о заданиях, необходимых к выполнению, разбирать возникающие проблемы и отмечать успехи обучающихся.

В учреждении также должна быть организована специальная «горячая линия» для обращений преподавателей и студентов.

Руководитель вуза должен поддерживать контакт с преподавателями, переведенными в удаленный режим работы. Помимо всего прочего, должен быть подготовлен сценарий проведения промежуточной и итоговой государственной аттестации с использованием дистанционных технологий и ЭИОС. Сроки сессии могут быть перенесены, но при этом право студентов на каникулы должно быть соблюдено в обязательном порядке. Продолжительность каникул не может превышать десять недель в соответствии с приказом Минобрнауки России от 5 апреля 2017 года № 301.

Второй вариант дистанционного обучения студентов разработан для регионов с не критичной эпидемиологической обстановкой и заключается в частичном переводе студентов на дистанционное обучение. Тем обучающимся, которые выразят желание по личным причинам перейти на дистанционное обучение, будет предоставлена такая возможность.

Данный формат организуется в вузе по аналогии с первым сценарием. В этом случае руководитель образовательной организации также издает соответствующий приказ, в котором указывается решение о переводе студентов на дистанционное обучение по желанию. В этой ситуации должна быть предусмотрена подача заявления о переводе на индивидуальный учебный план через электронную почту или с использованием личных кабинетов студентов в ЭИОС. В приказе должна быть оговорена необходимость взаимодействия преподавателей со студентами, выбравшими дистанционный формат обучения. Руководитель должен проанализировать, как частично или полностью перевести в дистанционный формат дисциплины, которые продолжаются до конца текущего учебного года, также по аналогии с первым сценарием предусмотреть перенос определенных дисциплин на будущий учебный год. Важно отметить, что если число обучающихся, выразивших желание перейти в удаленный формат, достигнет 30%, то руководителю вуза нужно готовиться к реализации первого сценария.

Оба варианта перевода студентов на дистанционное обучение направлены на то, чтобы свети к минимуму личные контакты между людьми в образовательном учреждении. Российское законодательство предусматривает возможность успешной реализации обоих сценариев. Обучающимся предоставляются индивидуальные учебные планы, а в случае необходимости часть занятий моет быть перенесена на следующий семестр.

В обоих вариантах перевода студентов на дистанционное обучение высшим учебным заведениям помогут открытые онлайн курсы, которые разработали ведущие российские университеты. Кроме того, в образовательных учреждениях имеется электронная информационно-образовательная среда, организованная в соответствии с федеральными государственными образовательными стандартами.

Минобрнауки проследит за тем, чтобы вузам была обеспечена консультационная линия, необходимая информационная поддержка, а также обзор типовых решений (как нормативных, так и технологических). Вся актуальная информация, касающаяся деятельности высших учебных заведений в условиях эпидемии, будет публиковаться на портале Министерства науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации. Информация будет постоянно обновляться.

Как можно учиться в вузе, сидя на диване: дистанционная форма обучения и ее особенности

Как можно учиться в вузе, сидя на диване: дистанционная форма обучения и ее особенности

Дистанционная форма обучения в настоящее время становится все более распространенным видом образования. Многие студенты выбирают такой формат, потому что он удобен: можно оставаться дома и изучать тот же материал, что проходят на очном, но при этом самостоятельно распределять время и не тратить его на сборы и поездку в вуз, перемещение между кабинетами, ожидание преподавателей. Дистанционной такую форму обучения называют именно потому, что весь материал доступен через Интернет.

Этот вариант образования чем-то похож на тот, что получают заочно.

Дистанционная форма обучения подразумевает следующие этапы:

  1. Получение материала посредством лекций, которые могут находиться на учебном портале в записи, или же вестись преподавателем онлайн.
  2. Контрольные, самостоятельные работы, тесты, которые даются после изучения темы, чтобы проверить результат усвоения.
  3. Аудиторная работа. В этом случае придется посетить учебное заведение, в котором вы дистанционно обучаетесь, чтобы сдать экзамены, закрывающие семестр. Такой вариант может и отсутствовать, если вы, например, выбрали европейский вуз.

Общение с однокурсниками также присутствует: вы можете переписываться с ними в чатах, созваниваться в скайпе. Практикуется и групповая работа, к примеру, создание совместного проекта по изучаемому предмету.

Дистанционная форма обучения обычно ведется через специализированный сайт университета, где имеются не только загруженные заранее лекции, но и своя библиотека в электронном формате, расписание занятий, список тем и контрольных, все необходимое для полноценного участия в учебном процессе. Логин и пароль от личного кабинета на таком сайте учащийся получает сразу после поступления.

Не стоит переживать и за итог обучения, если вы занимаетесь дистанционно. Очная форма обучения подразумевает получение диплома государственного образца по окончанию вуза, и дистанционный вариант ничем не отличается. Вы получите тот же результат, что и обычные студенты: доказательство своего образования и возможность устроиться на работу по профессии.

Если в ходе обучения возникают вопросы, то их всегда можно задать преподавателю, который ведет предмет: это может быть чат, разговор посредством Skype или другой программы, общение по электронной почте.

Дистанционная форма обучения: плюсы и минусы

Обычный день в вузе: длинные лекции в просторных или не очень аудиториях, кипы исписанных листов бумаги, шумные коридоры, короткие перемены и очередь в столовой. Среднестатистический студент проводит в университете 34 часа в неделю и 2000 часов в год. При этом он может тратить приличное время на дорогу до учебного заведения. Да, в поездке можно повторить лекции, но вы пробовали их читать, повиснув на поручне в переполненном транспорте?

Дистанционное обучение отметает все эти недостатки:

  1. Занятия проводятся в интерактивном режиме, причем просмотр лекций можно вести в любое удобное время и даже «поставить» лектора на паузу в некоторых случаях.
  2. Что-то осталось непонятным, или вы отвлеклись? Не проблема: просто прослушайте лекцию заново.
  3. Благодаря удобному формату обучения имеется возможность совмещать учебу и работу. Вы сами распределяете время и выбираете место для занятий. Некоторые студенты умудряются учиться во время работы.
  4. Можно заниматься, даже используя смартфон, главное, чтобы был доступ в Интернет.

Популярность дистанционному обучению во многом придал Билл Гейтс, который бросил университет, в котором обучался, и стал грызть гранит науки самостоятельно. Каков итог? О нем, как об основателе Microsoft, знает каждый из нас. Билл финансировал развитие дистанционного обучения в Америке, внося по нескольку миллионов долларов в фонды образовательных порталов. И как после такого примера можно сомневаться в том, что этот формат обучения нерентабелен?

Однако есть один минус, на который следует обратить внимание: успех зависит от вашей личной ответственности. Ведь такая форма обучения подразумевает, что вы, как минимум, найдете время на просмотр лекций, и не будете отлынивать от тестов и пропускать контрольные. Среди студентов-очников, конечно, тоже есть прогульщики, но, занимаясь дистанционно, вы несете больше ответственности за свой результат.

Как найти вуз с дистанционным обучением и поступить в него

В некоторых заведениях этот вариант образования еще не очень развит, и заканчивается на парочке курсов, иные и вовсе не предлагают ничего подобного. Однако многие российские и зарубежные вузы имеют такой формат обучения.

Вузы с дистанционным образованием найти несложно: достаточно открыть любимую поисковую систему и вбить в строку поиска соответствующий запрос. Просмотрев выпавшие ссылки, можно выбрать понравившийся университет и подать заявление на поступление. Если возникают вопросы, воспользуйтесь формой обратной связи или созвонитесь с представителями учреждения по указанным на сайте телефонам.

Некоторые учебные заведения предлагают даже бюджетные места. В случае, когда интересует конкретный вуз, все еще проще: нужно вбить его название и добавить слова «дистанционное обучение». Может оказаться, что вы хотите получить диплом экономиста или педагогическое образование с дистанционной формой обучения. Поиск по таким запросам тоже быстро даст результаты.

Итак, вы выбрали университет, какие правила поступления?

Чаще всего поступление проходит таким образом:

  1. Вы выбираете нужное направление и подаете онлайн-заявку на зачисление.
  2. Ждете ответа, открыт ли доступ на это направление. Если он положительный, вы получите список документов, которые нужно будет направить на адрес вуза заказным письмом. Для того чтобы поступить на определенные направления, может потребоваться прохождение медкомиссии.
  3. После отправки документов ждете одобрения со стороны приемной комиссии.
  4. Когда одобрение получено, вносите необходимую оплату.

Обычно право поступления имеют только абитуриенты, которые сдавали ЕГЭ. В зависимости от правил университета, может потребоваться личное присутствие абитуриента на определенных этапах, например, для подписания договора и получения студенческого билета.

Стоит ли овчинка выделки

Когда перед выпускником стоит выбор, в какое учреждение поступить, мало кто задумывается о том, насколько удобнее обучаться онлайн. В стране пока распространен стереотип, что только очная форма обучения является действительно правильной, и что конкурировать с ней не может ни одна другая, тем более какая-то там дистанционная, понаделали инноваций!

Но все больше студентов выбирают именно второй вариант, чтобы иметь возможность совмещать работу с учебой, самостоятельно распределять время, учиться там, где удобно, а не там, где заставляют обстоятельства. В конце концов, насколько приятнее слушать лекцию на природе, усевшись под деревом на зеленую травку, чем находясь в душной аудитории, с тоской поглядывая в окно, не правда ли? Использование дистанционных форм обучения принесет возможность комфортно получить высшее образование и успешно устроиться на любимую работу.

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Институт дистанционного обучения

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Лицензия № 3287 86Л01 выдана Службой по контролю и надзору в сфере образования Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры 31.05.2019 г. (взамен № 2937 от 26.07.2017 г. в связи с добавлением нового вида деятельности).


реализует профессиональные программы с использованием дистанционных образовательных технологий по следующим направлениям:

— повышение квалификации;
— профессиональная переподготовка;
— профессиональное обучение.

Обучение проводится в заочной форме (не указывается в выдаваемых документах) с применением дистанционных образовательных технологий в соответствии с требованиями ФЗ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» и приказа Рособрнадзора № 785 от 29.05.2017 г.


  • — Документы об образовании направляются в адрес слушателя заказным письмом Почтой России.
  • — Консультации и помощь, мы ориентированы на долгосрочное сотрудничество и поэтому всячески поддерживаем наших слушателей.
  • — Форма обучения: заочная, с использованием современных дистанционных, образовательных технологий, позволяющая слушателям проходить обучение без отрыва от производства, находясь в любой точке России;
  • — Более 250 актуальных образовательных программ, и уникальные УМК для каждой из них;
  • — Обширная география – нашими услугами пользуются более, чем в 100 городах России;
  • — Прием слушателей в течение всего года;
  • — По окончанию обучения каждый слушатель получает соответствующий документ установленного образца на бланке, заверенный печатью и подписью директора;
  • — Гибкий ценовой подход;

Дополнительное профессиональное образование — это одна из форм последипломного образования для тех, кто уже имеет первое базовое среднее или высшее профессиональное образование
Под дистанционным обучением понимается целенаправленный, интерактивный, асинхронный процесс взаимодействия субъектов и объектов обучения между собой и со средствами обучения. Взаимодействие обучающегося и преподавателя осуществляется независимо от места их нахождения и распределения во времени на основе педагогически организованных информационных технологий, с использованием информационных коммуникаций.
Обучение на основе дистанционных образовательных технологий может осуществляться как по одному, так и по нескольким профессиональным модулям и междисциплинарным курсам учебного плана.
Для каждого обучающегося составляется индивидуальный график работы на основе учебного плана, что позволяет гибко планировать время работы с учебно-методическим комплексом.
Передача учебных и методических материалов осуществляется путем предоставления доступа к учебным и методическим ресурсам по компьютерной сети интернет.
Обучение по технологии ДО проводят преподаватели, имеющие соответствующий уровень подготовки, под руководством заместителя директора по учебной работе.
Более подробную информацию вы можете узнать на нашем сайте.

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  • 8-922-131-10-21 (Viber. WhatsApp)
  • Адрес: ХМАО-Югра, г. Нижневартовск, Проспект Победы д. 1 офис 17-19
  • Электронный адрес: [email protected]
  • Основной сайт: edu-distance.ru
90000 What Is Distance Learning / E-learning? 90001 Skip to content 90002 / Blog Search for: 90003 Categories 90004 90005 90006 Books and Services Reviews 90007 90006 Education and E-learning 90007 90006 Event Promotion 90007 90006 MyOwnConference Newsroom 90007 90006 Online Meeting 90007 90006 Public Speaking 90007 90006 Video Conferencing 90007 90006 Webinar Tips and Tricks 90007 90022 90003 Popular Posts 90004 90005 90006 90027 90027 90027 Web Conferencing Software 90007 90006 90032 90032 90032 What is a Webinar and How Does it Work? 90007 90006 90037 90037 90037 7 Ideas How Nonprofits Can Use Webinars 90007 90006 90042 90042 90042 How to Participate in a Webinar 90007 90006 90047 90007 90022.90000 What’s distance learning? 90001 90002 90003 CONTENTS 90004 90005 90006 90007 90002 What does distance learning involve? 90005 90010 90007 90002 What are the pros and cons of distance learning? 90005 90010 90007 90002 How do you apply for a distance learning course? 90005 90010 90007 90002 Which UK universities offer distance learning courses? 90005 90010 90007 90002 What are Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs)? 90005 90010 90027 90028 At undergraduate level, distance learning usually involves students engaging with learning materials at home or work.You also get tutorial support via a virtual learning environment, phone, email or other electronic means. There may be occasional face-to-face interactions with tutors and attendance at week-long summer schools. 90029 90028 You can study undergraduate, postgraduate and professional-level distance learning courses. Universities and colleges ensure their distance learning programmes and qualifications are of the same quality as campus-based programmes. 90029 90032 90028 There was no way on earth I was going to be able to afford to stop working and do a degree full time.I was going to have to fit study around work, and distance learning is set up to allow you to do that — to be able to pick up learning as and when. 90029 90028 90003 Jake, distance learning student 90004 90029 90039 90028 Studying a degree through distance learning gives you a number of benefits: 90029 90042 90007 You can fit your learning around your work and home life 90010 90007 You get to decide exactly when and where you study 90010 90007 You can gain a degree from anywhere in the world 90010 90007 Distance learning courses often cost less than full-time degrees, so you can save money 90010 90051 90028 On the other hand, you will not get to enjoy the social aspects of being on a campus with fellow students every day.90029 90028 Most distance learning degrees have specific entry requirements which may include previous educational qualifications and sometimes English language skills. 90029 90028 You apply directly to the course provider. A typical online admission process involves filling in a form and getting a reply from the institution offering you a place, asking for more information or declining your application. 90029 90028 Enrolment usually takes place a few weeks before the course starts. You get the opportunity to select modules you want to study and pay the first instalment of your course fees, after which you get confirmation and can begin your studies.90029 90028 90061 90029 90028 Distance learning programmes are offered by a number of UK universities, including: 90029 90042 90007 The Open University (diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate programmes) 90010 90007 Arden University (industry accredited degrees, master’s and MBAs) 90010 90007 Edinburgh Napier University (MSc degrees) 90010 90007 University of Leicester (mainly postgraduate programmes) 90010 90051 90028 With COVID-19 drastically changing everyday life, the world is having to adapt.As a result, universities are finding ways to support their students and plan for the start of a new academic year, with institutions now preparing for courses to be accessed online. 90029 90028 Some universities are proposing to start courses online for the first term and hopefully move on to conventional lectures in the second term, depending on when campuses are able to reopen. Some universities are planning to push course start dates to January. On the whole, it seems universities are willing to be as flexible as possible and adapt to the current climate.90029 90028 90003 It should be noted that these are current contingency plans for a possible scenario and are subject to change. 90004 90029 90028 However, the structure or availability will differ depending on courses or universities, so make sure you check with your chosen university and they’ll keep you updated of any changes or developments. Depending on the degree you’re studying, this may not be a preferable option for you and you may wish to defer. For now, it’s best to contact your university and discuss your options.90029 90028 Again, this depends on your university and course. Many universities (including Oxford and Cambridge) have announced their summer exams will be replaced with online assessments due to the coronavirus pandemic. Some have also suggested first and second year students being assessed on their previous work, while third year and higher students will take online exams. Most universities have help pages, advice and FAQs on their websites specifically designated to the current issues. Always check with your university about how your course will be affected.90029 90028 The beauty of online courses / distance learning is that you can do it from anywhere. The University of London, for example, offers online courses to international students. 90029 90028 Of course, the best thing to do is to contact universities about courses you’re interested in. If you were planning to study in the UK, make sure to contact your chosen university about their arrangements for courses starting this year. As many universities are planning to move courses online for the start of the next academic year, you should be able to proceed with your application, but it’s important to check with the university and voice any concerns you may have.90029 90028 MOOCs offer university-level courses without the need to complete an entire programme of studies. They give you a flexible, affordable way to learn new skills and are becoming increasingly popular. 90029 90028 Video-based, they offer interaction either through peer review and group collaboration or automated feedback through objective, online assessments (including quizzes and exams). Videos are normally short and most of the activity takes place in online discussion groups and forums.90029 90028 90003 Benefits of studying a MOOC include: 90004 90029 90042 90007 Accessing quality courses at a lower cost (most courses are free) 90010 90007 The flexibility to combine it with other study or work 90010 90007 The convenience of studying wherever you are 90010 90007 No entry requirements 90010 90051 90028 A key drawback is that MOOCs are self-contained — they do not feed into a degree or other qualification. Content from a MOOC offered outside your home country may not match cultural and other conditions you’re familiar with.90029 90111 Can MOOCs fill in the gaps during coronavirus? 90112 90028 There are many positives to studying MOOCs, but it all depends on your goals or reason for wanting to study. MOOCs are suited to supporting higher education and helping with your career rather than being a replacement for a degree. They are convenient, have good quality material, can help with professional or educational development, and look great on your CV. 90029 90028 They’re also ideal if you just want to learn for fun.And with them often allowing you to set your own pace, you can fit the work and assessments around your own schedule. 90029 90028 The following UK universities offer MOOCs through FutureLearn: 90029 .90000 The Ultimate Guide to Online Learning 90001 90002 90003 by Becton Loveless 90004 90005 «Earn a college degree in your pajamas!» «Get your bachelor’s without leaving the house!» «Study wherever and however you want!» 90006 90005 Higher ed has been marketing online courses and degree programs like this for years now. Online programs are more flexible than the traditional residential university experience. But catchphrases like these cause students to think online study is easy and convenient, too.While the flexibility is real, know that college is not supposed to be easy, and it’s rarely convenient. 90006 90005 It’s important to begin the process of choosing a program with your eyes wide open. Do not believe the marketing spin that this is going to be a cakewalk. Earning a degree is going to take serious effort and long-term commitment. 90006 90005 It’s also important to understand that not all programs are created equal. In fact, no two programs are exactly the same. There are wide variances in quality, format, cost, success rates, and more.90006 90005 90014 Topics on this page: 90015 90016 > What is Distance Learning? 90016 > Choosing a Distance Learning School 90016 > Choosing a Distance Learning Program 90016 > What Makes a Good Online Course? 90016 90006 90022 What is Distance Learning? 90023 90005 Distance learning is an educational process where students receive instruction through online classes, video recordings, video conferencing, or any other audio / visual technology medium.It enables people to receive education without having to be physically present in a classroom. 90006 90005 Properly designed distance learning programs can be a very convenient and effective way to acquire more education. This may seem difficult without students and teachers interacting in a classroom, but people enrolled in distance learning programs can learn just as much away from a classroom as in one. 90006 90005 Distance learning and education are interchangeable terms.Distance learning is not a recent phenomenon. The origins of distance learning can be traced back to the advent of the modern postal system and the mass production of printed publications, which made it possible to spread information rapidly throughout the world. 90006 90030 Why Distance Learning? 90031 90005 Distance learning has made education more accessible to larger groups of people. It is a convenient way to obtain work experience while completing college or other vocational training.Many organizations, such as the military, large corporations, and government agencies rely on distance education to train service members and employees. Education has also changed as communication technology has revolutionized society. 90006 90005 In most cases, education or specialized training is a requirement for most high paid jobs. The availability of the Internet has increased the number of online courses. These courses are offered at online colleges, such as Argosy University, University of Phoenix, Capella University, and Kaplan University.90006 90030 Who Uses Distance Learning? 90031 90005 More students today are taking advantage of distance learning programs. Working professionals, high school students, and even traditional college students enroll in distance learning classes. Companies and other organizations frequently utilize distance learning programs to train employees. The following are some of the reasons people enroll in distance learning programs: 90006 90040 90041 Students living in rural areas or those unable to attend traditional classes utilize distance learning 90042 90041 Students from all over the world can enroll in online courses offered at specific colleges 90042 90041 Companies utilize distance learning programs to train employees, especially those working in distance regions 90042 90047 90030 Distance learning is very flexible.90031 90005 Although distance learning can fit into anyone’s schedule, students must take the initiative to study and complete their course work. Distance learning programs are not easy or automatic, so lazy students will probably not successfully complete courses they enroll in. However, even students that are busy or have numerous responsibilities should find the time to study because of the flexibility of these programs. 90006 90030 What technology is used for online distance learning? 90031 90005 Many different types of technology are utilized to enhance online learning.Special computer programs, high speed Internet, and webcam broadcasting technology are just a few of the modern technologies utilized in distance learning. As a result, learning opportunities that never existed for people living in distance or rural areas can obtain a college education or specialized job training. It’s not uncommon for a student living in a rural region of South Dakota to complete a course offered by a college in California. 90006 90005 Students often interact with teachers using video conferencing, satellite, and Internet technology.They can also communicate with other students enrolled in the same course using modern telecommunications technology. 90006 90005 Since students can complete courses wherever the Internet is accessible, many often take time during a work break or while staying in a hotel during a business trip to complete their school work. The flexibility of distance learning is one of the main appeals of these programs. 90006 90030 What is the experience like for online distance learners? 90031 90005 Since distance learning is slowly becoming a popular way to complete college or job training, many people still have reservations about it.The details provided below will give those considering distance learning an idea of ​​what it’s like: 90006 90040 90041 90066 Students usually interact with classmates and teachers in chat rooms and other instant messaging services. 90067 This makes it possible to ask questions and share comments without sitting in a classroom. Teacher lectures are frequently broadcast online, and many students and teachers stay in touch via conference calling technology. 90042 90041 90066 Group work is completed in chat rooms and special rooms on websites.90067 Students also use e-mail, instant messaging, and web broadcasting technology to discuss project ideas with classmates. 90042 90041 90066 Course assignments completed by students are competed on a website or submitted as e-mail attachments. 90067 Students are usually not permitted to submit work completed on websites after due dates. 90042 90041 90066 Most reference materials, such as documents and books, are accessible online for students. 90067 As a result, students usually do not have to visit libraries to complete traditional research.Many of the books students need are scanned and placed online. 90042 90041 90066 Questions for instructors can be asked over the phone, through an e-mail, or in a chat room. 90067 Instant messaging technology is becoming a very popular way for students and teachers to interact. 90042 90047 90005 Working professionals, stay at home moms, and other people unable to attend college on a campus are utilizing distance learning programs to acquire more education or job training.90006 90022 Choosing a Distance Learning School 90023 90005 Distance learning has existed for centuries through traditional mail and other creative means, but online education is still a relatively new field. Even though the technology is different, the educational mission and academic standards are the same as in traditional education: providing a quality education. Many online schools do exactly that, while others are merely degree mills or outright frauds. And of course, there’s plenty of variety in the middle.90006 90005 As you search for online schools, it’s important to know what you’re looking for, and what to look out for. Below are some parameters to help you choose the best online school for you. 90006 90030 Accreditation 90031 90005 Accreditation is the first and most important aspect of any school. Make sure a proper association-preferably a regional association-has accredited the school you’re investigating. This will ensure that it is meeting academic requirements and that other institutions will accept the credits you earn.Attending a school that is not properly accredited will not only cause you headaches in college, but with future employers as well. 90006 90005 You also want to check that the accrediting agency is legit. Some of them do not review schools very thoroughly and some will approve almost anyone for a fee. Your best bet is to verify that the accrediting association is endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education. 90006 90030 Quality of Faculty 90031 90005 By its nature, distance education is more independent than attending a physical classroom with other students, but having good teachers is still vital.Go online and research the faculty of any school you’re looking at. How much education and experience do the teachers have? 90006 90005 Just because a school delivers classes online does not mean the teachers should be any less qualified. Most community college teachers have at least a Masters degree in their field. University professors typically have PhD’s. Any good online school should have comparable faculty. 90006 90030 Degree Programs 90031 90005 As with any school, you need to research the academic programs at an online school and make sure they line up with your goals for higher education.These days, there are many options to choose from in distance education, so shop around and compare specific programs at different schools. 90006 90005 Does this school offer Associates degrees or professional certification? If so, are they recognized by other institutions of higher education? This is vital, especially if you plan on continuing on to a four-year university. 90006 90005 Look at the specific courses that are required for a degree. Do they look interesting, challenging, or make sense with the field of study? Are these classes that you would be attracted to? How do they compare to the course requirements at other online schools? 90006 90030 Understand the Requirements and Schedule 90031 90005 It is also wise to understand the academic requirements and the class schedule before you commit to an online program.In distance education, these factors can vary widely from program to program. Some courses allow you to work at your own pace while others have deadlines, a schedule of live virtual classes, or in-person testing administered by the instructor or a proctor. 90006 90005 Ask yourself a few questions about you as a student. Are you good at self-motivation and staying on task, or do you need structure and / or deadlines? Are you an auditory learner, meaning you can remember details better if you hear them, or a visual learner who can easily read and absorb information? Some online courses are filled with live or recorded video lectures, podcasts and multimedia lessons, while others rely mainly on written text.90006 90005 Some online programs are hybrid and require some physical attendance, either for lectures or exams. Understand the schedule so you can be certain you can meet these requirements. Also make sure the school is not too far away from where you live. 90006 90030 Cost 90031 90005 How much is tuition and are there any hidden fees or extra costs? Distance education is a dynamic and competitive market, and cost and quality do not always match up. If you’ve begun your search with one school in particular, expand it by looking at other schools with comparable tuition.Compare the quality and variety of degrees, experience of the teachers and feedback from former and current students. 90006 90005 Online college should typically cost a little less than attending a traditional college or university. If you’re looking at a particular online school, do a cost comparison with other colleges in your area. 90006 90030 Student Enrollment, Class Size and Office Hours 90031 90005 How many students does this school enroll? In general, more is better.If an established school is not attracting that many students, it’s probably not a good sign. The same goes for how long the school has been in business. The longer, the better. You still want to investigate the quality of their programs and faculty, but experience is usually a good sign. 90006 90005 Look beyond the enrollment numbers. What is the graduation rate? You want to attend a school that has a good record of students ‘academic success. What is the student / teacher ratio and average class size? The class is online, but to succeed you will still need some individual attention from the instructor.90006 90005 That should extend beyond the classroom. It’s often overlooked in online education, but students still require extra interaction with instructors, as well as access to tutoring and mentorship opportunities. Many long-distance teachers will keep online «office hours,» allowing students the same access to instructors as in traditional classes. 90006 90005 If possible, talk to some current or former students to get an idea of ​​the availability of these important aspects of school.90006 90030 Hardware, Software and Textbooks 90031 90005 Most online schools have basic requirements when it comes to computers. You will not need a supercomputer, just something that is relatively up-to-date and able to handle word processing and typical online activity. In the case of some specialized courses, you’ll need expensive hardware, but not for most classes. 90006 90005 Software will usually be provided free of charge. In some cases you will need to buy software for the class, which can vary widely in price.The same goes for textbooks. Make sure you know the cost estimate for software and textbooks. They can add up fast. 90006 90030 Criteria 90031 90005 Remember, distance education has a different delivery method than traditional education, but the goal remains the same. So do the academic standards. Use the same criteria you would for a physical college, just in a different context. If an online school is right for you, it should stand up to the test. 90006 90022 Choosing a Distance Learning Program 90023 Since more students are enrolling in distance learning programs, those considering enrolling in one should be cautious when selecting a program.Not all programs offer high quality education. Many institutions are cashing in on this demand for distance learning by offering programs that are sub-par or non-accredited. Therefore, those looking for a distance learning program should conduct thorough research before selecting one. 90030 Formats Vary Widely … and So Do Costs 90031 90005 For starters, we’re using the term «online course» to mean a college course offered for credit that can be taken completely online. But within that narrow definition exist many different types of courses.Some are little more than correspondence courses: pre-recorded videos with minimal personal involvement from the professor. Some (like Ohio State’s online bachelors program) are videos recorded live and archived for later viewing. Others go far beyond video, offering richly interactive learning materials and robust professor interactions. 90006 90005 Costs also vary considerably. Many of the high-quality online programs are offered through traditional universities, where the online courses are just as expensive as their on-campus counterparts.Devon Haynie at US News found that most online courses from traditional 4-year programs cost $ 300-400 per credit hour, plus additional fees. She signed up for a personal finance course that cost $ 1300. total. There were discounts to be had for in-state tuition, and she found a community college option for $ 515. 90006 90005 Of course, a quick Google search reveals many low- and no-cost options. But beware: many of these are from unaccredited schools or can not be taken for college credit. As a rule of thumb, if something is worth $ 1300. from a well-known school, you should view with suspicion the $ 25 version from a school you’ve never heard of.90006 90005 Bottom line: expect to pay a decent amount for decent quality online education, and understand that courses will vary in format and quality. 90006 90030 Know What You’re Paying For 90031 90005 Along the same lines, it’s important to know what you’re paying for before you buy. If you’re enrolling in an entirely online program, this comes into play before you enroll. Do your research. US News offers an independent ranking of entirely online programs, with in-depth reviews of the top programs.90006 90005 If on the other hand you’re enrolling in a few courses here and there (perhaps to finish out a degree you’ve already started), you need to do your research for each course. Say you paid $ 1000. for a robust, high-quality course and were happy with your investment. Will you be happy to drop another $ 1000. on a lesser quality course? Make sure you know what you’re getting before you buy. 90006 90030 Know What’s Expected of You 90031 90005 Online courses are marketed to busy professionals and adults trying to complete degrees.Marketers emphasize the freedom and convenience, but these courses are still a ton of work. Before you enroll in and pay for a course, find out what kind of time commitment you’re making. Many college courses, online or not, require 15 hours or more per week. Some have huge projects that spike the needed time drastically upward one or two weeks of the semester. 90006 90005 Bottom line: take the time to find out what will be expected of you, then evaluate whether you are able to give that kind of time-before you buy.90006 90030 Have a Plan 90031 90005 If your ultimate goal is a degree, then taking an online class here or there because the content sounds interesting or useful is not a real plan. Instead, you need to create a plan that leads to your goal. 90006 90005 You may be part-way through a residential degree program, looking to fill some course gaps. You may be working on getting an academic head start by knocking out some early courses online before heading to a residential program. Or you may be looking for a degree that can be earned entirely online.Whatever your approach, be sure to formulate a plan that leads to a degree before enrolling in an online course. 90006 90005 The good news is you should not need to go it alone. You should have access to a faculty advisor or coach who can help you craft this plan. If your prospective online college can not offer you this kind of guidance, consider that a red flag. 90006 90030 Understand Some Potential Downsides 90031 90005 Online programs can leave students feeling a bit isolated. Face-to-face (two-way) video interaction with instructors is rare to nonexistent, and collaboration with classmates is often limited to chat and email.The collaboration and camaraderie residential students enjoy just is not there. Look for programs that work hard to overcome this, but understand that it’s an issue even in the best programs. 90006 90005 Online programs have a lower graduation rate than residential or blended (part residential, part online) programs, notes James Paterson at EducationDive. Experts disagree on the reasons why, but it may have to do with the greater level of self-motivation and direction that’s needed to succeed while feeling all on your own.90006 90005 To offset these downsides, look for quality online programs with robust student services and student support. The old adage «you get what you pay for» is generally true here: the cheapest courses have the lowest levels of student support. 90006 90030 Know Your Way Around a Computer 90031 90005 You do not have to be a technology expert to make online college work, but you do need to be conversant. Every school has its own learning management system, or LMS. You may need to troubleshoot why video is not playing (do you have the necessary software / codec / browser?).Courses will have their own platforms and systems and even sometimes specialized software. And of course, nothing works without a stable internet connection. 90006 90005 Bottom line: if the lingo in the previous paragraph scares you, you may need to brush up on your computer skills before diving into online education. 90006 90030 Realize That Convenient Does not Mean Easy 90031 90005 Online classes and degree programs offer a measure of convenience that a traditional residential program can not match.The ability to watch lectures from anywhere and on your own timetable is indispensable for some. But do not make the mistake of thinking that an online program will be easier than an in-person one. Quality online programs are just as rigorous as their brick-and-mortar counterparts. 90006 90005 In fact, some students may find online programs more difficult than residential programs. The content is the same, but online programs lack some of the accountability and presence of traditional programs.In a traditional program, students have to show up at a set time 2 or 3 times a week. And when they do miss class, those students have to face the teacher’s disapproving gaze the next class period. It’s much easier to fall behind when you’re left to set your own schedule. And it’s easier to let things slide when you do not feel the in-person pressure from the professor. 90006 90030 Ensure Your Credits Will Transfer Before Enrolling 90031 90005 If you have any college credit to your name already, be sure your existing college credit and your prospective online education will play nice.The goal is to graduate from one school or the other, but not every school accepts credits from every other school. And some schools may accept some credits but not others from another school. Whether you intend to earn your degree from the online or the traditional university, be certain that all your needed credits will transfer. Do this before enrolling online. 90006 90030 MOOCs Are No Substitute for Traditional Online Courses 90031 90005 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are trendy. You can learn from professors at elite universities, for free! And as a general enrichment tool, they are pretty cool.But make no mistake: MOOCs are no substitute for more conventional (and less free) online courses. They have a low completion rate and usually have little accountability or assessment. The vast majority of MOOCs do not offer college credits, either. Class Central reports on a few ways to take MOOCs for credit, but the primary way of doing so turns the free course into a $ 649 course. With that kind of price tag, why not go the conventional route and benefit from interaction with your professor? 90006 90005 Bottom line: take these for fun or for general enrichment.But if you’re looking to earn a degree, these almost certainly are not the right choice for you. 90006 90030 Look for Accreditation 90031 90005 Schools offering online degree programs can be accredited just like traditional colleges and universities. Accreditation is a kind of seal of approval granted by an independent accrediting organization. These organizations evaluate a school’s quality and verify whether the school complies with education law. 90006 90005 Some employers and many graduate schools require an accredited degree for either hire or admission.Do not shortchange yourself by spending time and effort to earn a degree from an unaccredited school. It’s not worth the risk. 90006 90030 Student Success 90031 90005 You want your diploma to be the key to future opportunities, not just a piece of paper. Other than accreditation, how can you better know what your degree can accomplish for you? 90006 90005 Start by looking at student success. Quality programs will advertise their student successes. They may advertise high boards passing percentages in a nursing program, above-average med school acceptance rates, or a percentage of prospective graduates hired before graduation.These statistics do not guarantee you your dream job, of course, but they do suggest which programs and schools are high in quality. 90006 90005 Conversely, investigate graduation / completion rates and rate of student loan defaults. Low graduation rates and high default rates suggest a program is not serving its students well. According to a Chicago Tribune story by Maria Danilova, for-profit colleges are the worst offenders by both these metrics. 90006 90005 Graduation rates are easily obtainable, and the higher, the better.Remember, though, that online program graduation rates overall will be lower than residential programs. The rate of student loan defaults can be trickier to track down, as schools are not required to divulge this. But this is the internet: if a school gets a bad reputation in this area, it will not be too hard to find out. 90006 90022 What Makes a Good Online Course? 90023 90005 Not all online classes are created equal. Unfortunately, there’s a whole heap of shoddily produced, bore-you-to-tears classes out there that, in the end, just do not provide quality education.On the other hand, there are some truly inspired, engaging, and educational classes that really live up to the potential of distance learning. Here are a few key factors that make all the difference to the quality of online courses: 90006 90005 90003 90066 1) Proper Pacing 90067 90004 90016 It’s a fine balance to strike, but the best online courses are the ones which are properly paced. Proper pacing means the student is neither bored nor overwhelmed; they have plenty of time — and notice — to complete large projects, but also are kept engaged by small assignments in the interim.These small assignments should never stack up and bury the student in stress and anxiety, nor should they be pointless, tedious busy work. 90006 90005 90003 90066 2) Multimedia Integration 90067 90004 90016 The really exciting part of online classes is the fact that they can present content in ways that books and lectures can not. Great online courses take advantage of this fact, and incorporate various multimedia elements into the presentation, such as videos, podcasts, interactive activities, and more.This is certainly more engaging than reading a long text document, and the information is much more likely to be retained. It’s not enough, however, to simply add in multimedia for multimedia’s sake. The content must be done well, and with a clear purpose. A forty-minute video of the professor mumbling into his webcam does not qualify as good use of multimedia. 90006 90005 90003 90066 3) Quality Content 90067 90004 90016 When a course’s content is of high quality, you find yourself engaged and curious, and as a result you learn much more naturally.This is in stark contrast to those courses which only use dismal, bland textbooks and regurgitative, fill-in-the-blank quizzes. Low quality content feels like a chore, and the information is seldom retained. High quality content can be of any modality: videos, websites, audio presentations, etc. What’s important is this: does it lend itself to natural learning? Would an expert in the field recommend it to anyone curious about the subject, regardless of the online class? This is the sort of content used by the best online courses.90006 90005 90003 90066 4) Self-Directed Learning 90067 90004 90016 The best online classes recognize that their students are adults who have the ability to make up their own mind and take responsibility for their own education. When the course is too micromanaged, when the assignments are dictated to the smallest detail, students become frustrated or, at best, do not make any meaningful dis 90006.90000 Distance Education: Pros and Cons of Online Study 90001 90002 Distance education is no more than attending school without leaving your home or place of work, getting an education without a face-to-face contact with teachers and classmates, and studying when you can , if you wish. It simply means getting an education at your own pace. 90003 90002 Traditionally, distance learning was getting educated through correspondence courses where schools and students corresponded only by post. Not many important subjects were offered at the time but with the advent of digital technology, hundreds of courses are offered online, and though you may live far away in Bali, you can get an undergraduate degree from a top New York college.90003 90002 Many people are choosing to enrol at online schools, colleges, and universities as an alternative to attending on-campus educational institutions for many reasons, the most important ones being its cost-effectiveness and affordability. 90003 90002 There are several reasons why distance learning is a good alternative (with many advantages), but it is not necessarily all ‘rosy’. And though the advantages of online education far outweigh the disadvantages, the concept of attending school over the internet is not only credible but also totally acceptable.90003 90002 As more well-respected institutions of higher learning now offer online classes, employers are now more accepting of online earned degrees. 90003 90002 With the regular addition of more courses and the current possibilities of obtaining higher qualifications like PhD and MSc, distance education is the future of education — global, seamless, cost-effective, and flexible. 90003 90014 Advantages of an Online Education 90015 90002 The flexibility of distance education gives many intending students and other individuals who really desire to further their studies the opportunity to get an education that’s not only less expensive but also more convenient.There are also those who never knew they’d have the opportunity or time to get an education. Now, they can earn a diploma, a degree, and even a master’s degree through studying online. 90003 90002 The pros of attending distance education colleges include: 90003 90020 90021 Saving on time and money and reduced costs — Online education costs less for several reasons, one being because there are fewer expenses to incur — no commuting, less physical books, no living expenses, and no cost of expensive school-related supplies.90022 90021 Students have access to an education anywhere and at any time, without limitations, restrictions, and location of study. 90022 90021 Distance education students can work at a career and attend school because there are no schedule limitations. The self-paced study allows students to work at their own chosen pace, and classes can be ‘attended’ without the usual class work pressure that obtains in an on-campus school. 90022 90021 A distance learning student can enrol to study from any part of the world if there is an internet connection available there.This means you can live in Timbuktu and attend college in Iceland. 90022 90021 Working with a computer and learning internet skills (essential) while studying, is a valuable experience and can open up networking opportunities that can be further applied to other facets of life. 90022 90021 The tuition process can be self-paced, depending on how much time a student has available for studying. So, whether a student is a slow or fast learner, a self-paced tuition process is a great advantage. A slow learner can take his / her time to learn without pressure while the fast student can virtually ‘zip’ through an online course in half the time.90022 90021 Physically challenged students can study from home comfortably and unobtrusively without encountering all the usual challenges they may face in an on-campus educational institution. 90022 90021 There are personalized instructions from tutors and student will find this beneficial, more than if they are stuck in a classroom filled with other students. A significant factor that drives the success of distance education is that it is done through electronic media. This is the means of educational interaction between tutors and students.90022 90021 90002 Future employers will respect an online graduate’s time management skills — working at a full-time job and balancing it with distance education. Many prospective employers may see this as a positive, and a great drive to both further an education and a career. 90003 90022 90041 90014 Disadvantages of Distance Education 90015 90002 Now that some of the advantages of distance learning have been mentioned, it is a good thing to also state the disadvantages of studying at online colleges.Before enrolling for an online course, it is good to know that working at your own pace without some sort of self-discipline will not only stretch the duration of your study unnecessarily, your interest may wane if you are not fully dedicated to your course study . 90003 90020 90021 Online colleges do not offer prompt and immediate feedback you get in a regular classroom setting and while performance can be assessed on the spot in a classroom, with distance education, students have to wait for the tutor’s feedback while their works are being reviewed .90022 90021 Distance education does not offer all courses on the web so students pursuing certain degrees may not find their courses available online. This is understandable because not all educational programs are suited for online education, for instance, you can not study medical courses through distance learning. 90022 90021 In the early years of digital distance education, many employers refused to acknowledge degrees earned online but today, as more top colleges and universities offer online study, more employers now acknowledge and recognize this form of education.90022 90021 If for instance, you live out at sea and need to receive physical study materials, you must expect to incur possible added costs. Even if internet connection is available, there may be other educational materials required for study which you need to work on or with. You may either suspend studying till you get back to shore or, have supplies delivered to you in a costly and complex manner (speedboat or helicopter). 90022 90021 There are still some who will hesitate to even consider, let alone hire graduates with an online degree, but this may vary from one company to another.90022 90021 An online college that lacks accreditation is bound to impart low-quality education, so, before enrolling for an online course, it is best to check that the program is accredited. This can be verified through an accrediting agency. This way, you ensure that the chances of a future employer not accepting an online degree is minimised. 90022 90021 There is little or no face-to-face interaction with distance learning. This is something that requires getting used to. 90022 90021 If you do not exercise self-discipline, it will be almost impossible to reach your goal of earning a degree in the stipulated duration of the study.90022 90021 If you do not have a sense of self-direction, the chances of failure will be high. 90022 90041 .

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